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PCI Framework

The Place, Connectivity and Infrastructure Professional Services Collaborative Framework 2022 - 2026 (PCI) is designed to provide Hampshire County Council with multi-disciplinary and specialist professional services in the fields of transportation, civil engineering, infrastructure and economic growth.


Although Hampshire County Council are the Client and the PCI is managed by Hampshire County Council, other Authorities can call off services from this Framework via Hampshire County Council on a Participating Authority agreement basis, providing access to 25 different consultants to meet their needs.


Find the award notice here

Business Conference

Services on offer

Across 11 different lots, the PCI framework offers local authorities assistance with a wide range of areas that make up transportation, civil engineering, infrastructure and economic growth. Procurement is through mini-competition, direct award on rotation or direct award for continuity, dependent on value.



  • Lot A covers the whole of England, allowing authorities to use the three consultants within the lot. They have multidisciplinary capability for schemes with challenging issues to resolve.

  • Lots B1 to B10 cover the south of England, with between five and eight consultants per lot, available to support authorities with their specific challenges.


For further information about scope, contractors, suitability and using the framework, take a look at this PDF overview guide:



Or you can use the contact form or email to ask a question.

B&W Road

Lot A Multi-disciplinary Professional Services


Lot B3 Travel Data and Modelling


Lot B6 Engineering Design Specialisms

Solar Power Plant

Lot B9 Environmental and Sustainability Services

Rental Bicycle

Lot B1 Transport Planning Specialisms

Forest Road

Lot B4 Air Quality and Decarbonisation

Boat by the Bank

Lot B7 Flood Water Management and Drainage Design

Urban Gardens

Lot B10 Landscape and Arboriculture Services

Wooden Chess Pieces

Lot B2 Business Case and Economic Strategy Development

City Traffic

Lot B5 Strategic Planning

Business Growth

Lot B8 Ecological Services


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Hampshire County Council

The Castle


SO23 8UJ

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